Chaand Si Fatima By Shakeel Baloch Continue Novel Epi No 02

Chaand Si Fatima By Shakeel Baloch Continue Novel Epi No 02


ناول ہی ناول پبلشرز کے زیرِ اہتمام

 سیزن فائیو میں ایک بار پھر نئے ناولوں کے ساتھ ہم حاضر ہوئے ہیں ، یہ ناول(چاند سی فاطمہ شکیل بلوچ کےقلم سے) جو ابھی آپ پڑھیں گے یہ بھی سیزن فائیو اسٹارکا حصہ ہے ، یہ “ناول” ناول ہی ناول کی آفیشل ویب سائٹ کے علاوہ سُپر ریڈنگ میٹریل کی ویب سائٹ ، پاک پوسٹ پوائنٹ کی آفیشل ویب سائٹ اور ادب ولا کی ویب سائٹ پر پوسٹ ہوا کرے گا

 ناول ہی ناول کی آفیشل ویب سائٹ کا لنک


 سُپر ریڈنگ میٹریل کی آفیشل ویب سائٹ کا لنک


 پاک پوسٹ پوائنٹ کی آفیشل ویب سائٹ کا لنک


 ادب ولا کی آفیشل ویب سائٹ کا لنک


یہ قسط پڑھنے کے بعد کومینٹس کر کے اپنی رائے ضرور دئیجیے گا تا کہ آپ کی رائے رائٹرز تک پہنچائی جائے شکریہ آئیے اب اس ناول کی قسط نمبر دو پڑھتے ہیں

Chaand Si Fatima By Shakeel Baloch Continue Novel Epi No 02 Download

77 thoughts on “Chaand Si Fatima By Shakeel Baloch Continue Novel Epi No 02

  1. I find this to be is clear and useful reading material! I’ve thoroughly enjoyed following your points and have reached the conclusion that you appear to be right concerning many of these.

  2. Thanks a lot for composing such an useful article on this subject. And I hope to read much more written by you, in the next visit.

  3. Today, organizations demand to be given the specific position title you want to apply for – and a general resume never shows it. Also, they quickly need to learn what positively sets you apart – but a general resume makes you look identical to the flood of general resumes they have already had dumped on them.

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  5. These days, hiring decision-makers need to be shown the specific position title you wish to apply for – while a general resume never has that. Also, they immediately need to determine what positively differentiates you – while a general resume causes you to appear like a clone of the hundreds of general resumes they’ve already had sent to them.

  6. You need to confirm that a professional cover letter hooks your prospective employer, presents you in the most positive light, plus convinces them to look at the resume so they decide to select you for the interview. With the excessive number of resumes sent to every work offer currently, your cover letter commonly becomes the foremost selection factor as to if you are awarded an interview – or get dumped into the garbage!

  7. I think this is highly interesting content! I’ve definitely enjoyed reading your points and have considered the decision that you might be right regarding many of these.

  8. It’s tough to find those who really know what they’re talking about on the web, however you appear to know this subject area thoroughly. Which is certainly a welcome relief, amidst the universally “libtard” online media content. Thank you!

  9. Should you create a general one-size-fits-all resume, which you can use anytime, anywhere, for any occupation? The Truth: It is a dumb choice! The reason: Organizations are expected to read through up to five hundred resumes a day! As a result, they toss away every resume which is not narrowly targeted to the work being offered.

  10. May I simply state what a joy it is to locate a person who honestly is knowledgeable of what they’re talking about – that is so rare to encounter on the ignorant-net!

  11. Sticking to the duties/responsibilities resume format, will make sure that your resume is dropped on top of the garbage pile! Interviewers are not interested in what you were supposed to do at former jobs. In today’s hiring market, they have to be shown the real achievements you have made.

  12. These days, hiring decision-makers want to be shown the unique job title you wish to apply for – but a general resume fails to include this. Also, they instantly look to figure out what positively makes you a better choice – and a general resume forces you to appear identical to the other 399 general resumes they have already had sent to them.

  13. Choosing the duties/responsibilities resume approach, will guarantee that your resume is thrown into the garbage! Organizations are not interested in what you were assigned to do at prior organizations. Rather, they have to be shown what unique added value you have made.

  14. Here is a very quality post. I’ll be sure to bookmark it and visit again to review many more posts of this valuable info. Applause for posting this – I’ll be sure to return to see many more posts.

  15. Almost all hiring decision-makers perceive the duties/responsibilities resume technique, as outdated and inferior. Instead, hiring decision-makers need to read what sets you apart from other rivals, plus work-based examples of improvements you’ve made for past companies.

  16. You will want to verify that a professional cover letter grabs your prospective organization, verifies your suitability for the job, plus leads them to go through your resume so they will want to choose you for an interview. Due to the immense amount of resumes submitted to every employment offer currently, a professional cover letter typically becomes the foremost selection factor leading to if you get an interview – or get discarded into the garbage!

  17. Is it a good idea to create a general one-size-fits-all resume, that you can submit anytime, anywhere, for any available job? Answer: It is a horrible mistake! The truth: Companies have to sort through as much as 400 resumes a day! So they throw out every resume that is not intentionally targeted to the work being offered.

  18. Most job searchers don’t know that four of every five jobs (most importantly nearly 100 of the top work), are only reachable within the “hidden” employment market. So the power pathway to improving your job results, is to discover the most common reasons the most wanted positions are “posted” via this hidden job market, and not the miniscule public or cyberspace employment market.

  19. It is difficult to discover writers who really know what they’re lecturing about across the web, however you sound like you know this subject thoroughly. This is definitely a breath of fresh air, amidst the universally “pathetic” internet content. Thanks for this!

  20. In earlier times, every resume opened by presenting an Objective Statement – but not any more! Today’s hiring professionals all agree, such statements contribute nothing when assessing your job abilities. And so, don’t include an Objective Statement!

  21. Should you create a general one-size-fits-all resume, which you can use anytime, anywhere, for any job offering? What the Experts say: It is a stupid error! The reason: Hiring decision-makers are forced to review as many as five hundred resumes in a single day! Which means they throw away any resume that is not definitely targeted to the employment being offered.

  22. I can see this is a totally quality page. I will be certain to favorite this and look here again to read much more of such valuable information. Thanks for writing this – I will certainly visit again to enjoy lots more posts.

  23. Currently, organizations expect to be told the unique employment title you wish to apply for – while a general resume never shows that. Plus, they instantly need to find out what positively sets you apart – while a general resume causes you to look like a photocopy of the hundreds of general resumes they have already seen submitted.

  24. Long ago, each resume started by presenting an Objective Statement – but no longer! Knowledgeable career professionals all state clearly, this category of sentences fail when judging your employment capability. And so, be certain to not write an Objective Statement!

  25. While you’re looking for work, first impressions are really big! And the most frequent first impression hiring decision-makers see of you – is the cover letter.

  26. I find this to be is highly worthwhile reading material! I’ve thoroughly enjoyed contemplating your opinions and have come to the opinion that you may be correct concerning many of these.

  27. Excellent post, I really enjoyed it! Could you append more in a subsequent post, where you could expand a bit more?

  28. I am placing this webpage in my bookmark’s folder so I can come back again. You presented valid statements as part of this article which I feel require additional analysis. Also I concur with much of this content.

  29. Resume snippets as for example “team player”, have no value. They sound cliche and do not put you in a positive way. Ditto for a statement such as “self-motivated”. The right text target what you did while at your former employment and in addition how valuable you can be to this potential organization.

  30. Is it smart to purchase a general one-size-fits-all resume, that you can submit anytime, anywhere, for any job? The Truth: It is a horrible idea! The truth: Companies have to handle as many as five hundred resumes in a single day! As a result, they throw away every resume that is not intentionally targeted to the work being hired.

  31. Thanks so much for this information. I feel I should say that I concur on several of these points you put forth here and additional points will probably need significant follow up investigation, but nevertheless I can at least partially support your position.

  32. Good post, I really liked it! Could you append more in a subsequent post, where you can clarify a bit further?

  33. Most job searchers don’t know that 4 out of 5 available jobs (most importantly almost 100 of the highest-paying positions), are only available via the “hidden” employment market. Therefore the power pathway to boosting your career, is to determine the most common reasons the highest-paying work are exclusively inside this hidden career market, rather than the tiny paper media or cyberspace job market.

  34. Today’s companies don’t look at every one of the five hundred or more resumes dumped on them – for just one employment posting! The truth is, they’ll happily throw away ninety-five percent of them, if a resume fails to capture their interest.

  35. Did you know that 80 of job offerings (and particularly almost 100 of the best-paying employment), are only reachable within the “hidden” employment market. Therefore the key to improving your pay level, is to find out the most frequent reasons the best positions are “posted” within this concealed employment market, and not the pitiful paper media or cyberspace employment market.

  36. In the current job market, hiring decision-makers need to be given the unique position title you are trying to apply for – and a general resume fails to show it. And beyond that, they instantly wish to figure out what positively makes you a better choice – while a general resume compels you to look identical to the other 399 general resumes they have already had dumped on them.

  37. In the current job market, employers demand to be shown the specific position title you want to apply for – and a general resume never shows this. On top of that, they instantly want to learn what positively places you above the rest – while a general resume makes you look like a photocopy of the tons of general resumes they have already seen submitted.

  38. Avoid losing the job posting by sending them a general resume! All a general resume does, is show how you look like all the other applicants – not how you stand out from your competition for the same employment.

  39. Way back in the past, job searchers were told that your resume needs to contain a group of point-form duties and responsibilities underneath any employment we’ve ever occupied – and the larger the amount the better. Not today! Currently, hiring decision-makers can only devote 15 seconds (or less) when initially evaluating your resume. Don’t choose the duties/responsibilities resume technique!

  40. In the previous century, job searchers were taught that every resume has to contain a collection of point-form duties and responsibilities required by each employment we’ve ever done – and the bigger the list the better. Not today! Today, companies are going to only devote 15 seconds (possibly much less) when reviewing your resume. Do not choose the duties and responsibilities resume format!

  41. You need to verify that your cover letter hooks your potential company, builds their confidence in you, and then entices them to go through your resume so they will invite you for an interview. Given the overwhelming flood of resumes sent to every work offer currently, your cover letter frequently becomes the foremost decision factor as to if you score an interview – or get tossed into the garbage!

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