Ziddi Ishq By Muntaha Chouhan

Ziddi Ishq By Muntaha Chouhan



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ناول ہی ناول میں ہر نئے پرانے لکھاری کی پہچان، ان کی اپنی تحریر کردہ ناول “ضدی عشق میرا” جس کے لکھاری “منتہاچوہان” ہیں۔ ناول ہی ناول ادب والوں کی پہچان ہے۔ “منتہاچوہان” کا ناول “ضدی عشق میرا” کا پی ڈی ایف ڈاؤن لوڈ کریں

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سے پبلش ہوئی ہے۔

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158 thoughts on “Ziddi Ishq By Muntaha Chouhan

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  4. The overwhelming majority of employers consider the duties and responsibilities resume format, as snooze-worthy and worthless. Instead, companies wish to discover what differentiates you from other rivals, and tangible examples of contributions you have made at former occupations.

  5. Choosing the duties/responsibilities resume template, will guarantee that your resume is dropped on top of the garbage pile! Interviewers don’t care anymore about what you did at prior companies. In today’s hiring market, they have to hear what real achievements you have made.

  6. A surprising fact is that eighty percent of available jobs (and specifically pretty-well 100 of the most wanted positions), are only accessible inside the “hidden” employment market. Therefore the secret to raising your employment choices, is to determine the most common reasons the best-paying jobs are “posted” inside this rarely discussed employment market, rather than the puny print magazine or internet employment market.

  7. I am bookmarking your page in my bookmark’s list so I can return again. You made valid points in this article that I feel demand additional exploration. Also I agree with quite a lot of this info.

  8. Sticking to the duties and responsibilities resume technique, will ensure that your resume lines a garbage can! Interviewers couldn’t care less about what you were supposed to do at past occupations. In today’s hiring market, they need to be shown the unique added value you have made.

  9. I am saving this content in my favorites folder so I can come back again. You presented valid points as part of this article that I conclude require more detailed investigation. Plus I concur with much of this information.

  10. In earlier times, resumes began with an Objective Statement – but not today! Nowadays, career professionals all agree, this category of resume sections contribute nothing when assessing your employment skills. Thus, never include an Objective Statement!

  11. Almost all companies rate the duties/responsibilities resume approach, as snooze-worthy and worthless. Instead, organizations must read what makes you a better choice than other applicants, with actual examples of achievements you have made for previous positions.

  12. A quarter-century ago, job seekers were lectured that every resume needs to contain a collection of bullet-point duties and responsibilities for any employment we have ever had – and the greater the volume the better. Not anymore! Nowdays, hiring decision-makers will only spend a few seconds (possibly much less) when glancing through your resume. Do not choose the duties/responsibilities resume approach!

  13. It’s tough to discover writers who know what they’re talking about across the internet, however you appear to know this subject area well. That’s definitely a welcome relief, from the typical “stinky” mainstream media content. Many thanks!

  14. Resume statements as for example “professional”, are a problem. They appear cliche and don’t present you in a positive light. The same is true of text such as “dedicated”. The proper terms highlight things you achieved while working for your past employment and also how beneficial you would be to this prospective organization.

  15. Here is understandable and valuable reading material! I’ve thoroughly enjoyed following your suggestions and have come to the decision that you seem to be correct regarding all of them.

  16. Are you aware that eighty percent of job offerings (and particularly virtually every one of the top positions), are only hired within the “hidden” career market. This means the secret to boosting your success, is to discover the most frequent reasons the top work are promoted within this little-known employment market, instead of the pitiful print newspaper or internet career market.

  17. Is it a good idea to write a general one-size-fits-all resume, that you can use anytime, anywhere, for any available job? The Fact: It is a horrible error! The reality: Employers are required to handle up to five hundred resumes in a single day! Which means they throw out every resume which is not purposely targeted to the work being hired.

  18. In today’s job market, employers do not pay attention to every one of the five hundred or more resumes submitted – for every employment offering! Alternatively, they’ll immediately toss aside ninety-five percent of them, if the resume fails to capture their interest.

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  20. Should you create a general one-size-fits-all resume, which you can submit anytime, anywhere, for any job position? Answer: It is a horrible blunder! The key fact: Employers are required to sift through up to five hundred resumes a day! As a result, they toss away any resume that is not purposely targeted to the work being offered.

  21. I would not normally find myself so engaged by posts on this subject, however the way you composed this really caught my curiousity. It seems to be very thoughtful and worthwhile material.

  22. In the current job market, hiring decision-makers demand to be shown the unique job title you are hoping to apply for – while a general resume never includes that. And beyond that, they instantly look to learn what positively sets you apart – while a general resume makes you look identical to the hundreds of general resumes they have already had dropped on them.

  23. Thanks so much for this posted information. I feel I should let you know I concur on several of the key points you list in your article but some of the points will probably necessitate considerable follow-up analysis, but nevertheless I can at least partially support your perspective.

  24. In earlier times, every resume started by using an Objective Statement – but not today! Smart employment specialists all state clearly, these types of resume items fail when determining your occupation skills. Therefore, never use an Objective Statement!

  25. The overwhelming majority of companies rate the duties and responsibilities resume technique, as obsolete and of no value. Instead, companies must discover what distinguishes you from other resumes, including tangible examples of accomplishments you’ve made for past organizations.

  26. Hi, I just became aware of this blog due to DuckDuckGo, and I find it to be surprisingly useful. I will come back again to find lots more of your writing in the next few months. Well Done!

  27. Today’s organizations see the duties and responsibilities resume approach, as boring and valueless. Instead, hiring decision-makers must learn what places you above the other resumes, and work-based examples of achievements you’ve made for previous organizations.

  28. Resume phrases such as “accomplished”, have no value. They come across as cliche and don’t present you in a positive light. Similarly for a term like “self-motivated”. The right terms emphasize things you accomplished for your prior organizations and in addition how beneficial you could be to this prospective hiring decision-maker.

  29. Wonderful post, I really enjoyed it! Would you be willing to append more in a later post, so that you could explain a bit more?

  30. I am so thankful for this posted information. I feel I should mention that I agree on some of the points you make here and other points may necessitate some further evaluation, however I can at least partially support your position.

  31. Most job searchers don’t know that 4 out of 5 jobs (and specifically virtually all of the best-paying positions), are only accessible inside the “hidden” career market. Therefore the power pathway to boosting your employment choices, is to learn about the principal reasons the best jobs are exclusively via this rarely discussed employment market, instead of the miniscule public or online job market.

  32. You need to verify that the cover letter peaks the interest of your prospective hiring decision-maker, presents you in the most positive light, and also entices them to pay attention to the resume so they will want to contact you for the interview. Given the excessive flood of resumes sent to every work offer in today’s market, an expertly-written cover letter typically becomes the foremost deciding factor between if you get an interview – or get trashed into the garbage!

  33. Thanks for this posted info. I should mention that I concur on most of the main points you make in your article and other points will probably require some additional investigation, although I can see your opinion.

  34. Almost all hiring decision-makers rate the duties and responsibilities resume approach, as boring and valueless. Instead, companies wish to read what sets you apart from other resumes, including work-based instances of improvements you have made for former companies.

  35. Selecting the duties/responsibilities resume format, will ensure that your resume lines a garbage can! Interviewers couldn’t care less about what you were supposed to do at past employment. In the current job market, they must be shown the verifiable accomplishments you have made.

  36. Most job searchers don’t know that 4 out of 5 available jobs (most importantly almost all of the most wanted occupations), are only reachable within the “hidden” employment market. Therefore the secret to accelerating your pay level, is to learn about the most common reasons the highest-paying positions are “posted” via this little-known job market, and not the laughable print magazine or internet job market.

  37. Resume phrases like for instance “accomplished”, mean nothing. They appear cliche and fail to position you in a positive way. The same is true of text like “dependable”. The right statements target what you did at your former positions and also how beneficial you would be to this prospective employer.

  38. In today’s job market, companies don’t review every one of the 400 plus resumes they receive – for a single job opening! In reality, they’ll gladly toss aside 90 of them, if a resume does not manage to capture their interest.

  39. Most companies perceive the Duties-and-Responsibilities resume technique, as antiquated and inferior. Instead, companies wish to see what makes you a better choice than other applicants, with work-based instances of contributions you have made at previous occupations.

  40. Is it a good idea to write a general one-size-fits-all resume, that you can use anytime, anywhere, for any posted job? What Hiring Professionals say: It is a horrible error! The reason: Companies have to review as much as four hundred resumes per day! Therefore they throw away any resume that is not uniquely targeted to the employment being offered.

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